Learning to use your MAGIC EYE is a bit like learning to ride a bicycle.
Once you get it, it gets easier and easier!
In order to ‘see’ a Magic Eye picture, two things must happen. First you must get one eye to look at a point in the image while the other eye looks at the same point in the next pattern. Second you must hold your eyes in that position long enough for the marvelous structures in your brain to decode the 3D information that has been coded into the repeating patterns by the computer programme to produce the image.
METHOD Hold the images so that it touches your nose, let the eyes relax and stare vacantly off into space, as if looking through the image.
Relax and become comfortable with the idea of observing the image without looking at it.
When you are relaxed and not crossing your eyes move the image slowly away from your face.
The most discipline is needed when something starts to ‘come in’, because at that moment you will instinctively try to look at the image rather than looking through it.
If you look at it, start again!