BEAT INVISIBLE GLAUCOMA – IT’S B.I.G. A new campaign launched this week – Beat Invisible Glaucoma – is calling on Australians to fight the disease which is the world’s leading cause of irreversible blindness. More than 300,000 Australians have this disease but only half know about it; mostly because they haven’t had a simple optic...Read More
You may be aware of the dangers of UV exposure to your skin, but are you aware that your eyes are vulnerable to UV damage anytime of the day, anytime of the year? Almost 60 per cent of Australians believe it is only the midday sun that poses the greatest UV threat but this not...Read More
Are your eyes over 40? Are you a woman? … then you’ve probably noticed things starting to change. Not least of which are your eyes. Most notably, presbyopia — the normal, age-related loss of near focusing ability — usually develops at this time. Women at this time are much more likely than men to develop dry eyes...Read More