Introducing Ted Baker Optical Frames Ted Baker remains something of an enigma. In 1988 he established himself as a shirting specialist of some repute. This quickly lead to the development of a wider range of exceptional menswear designs. In time, he also found sophisticated ladies clamouring for him to apply his unique flair for fashion...Read More
This Macular Degeneration Awareness Week, 21 to 27 May, Australians are being asked to “Face the Facts about Macular Degeneration” and take steps to reduce their risk. Since 2007, the Macular Disease Foundation have increased awareness of macular degeneration as a disease by 53%, and this is an outstanding result. However there is still more to...Read More
Learning to use your MAGIC EYE is a bit like learning to ride a bicycle. Once you get it, it gets easier and easier! In order to ‘see’ a Magic Eye picture, two things must happen. First you must get one eye to look at a point in the image while the other eye looks...Read More