Suite 309, 4 Columbia Court, Norwest Business Park, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153.
Suite 309, 4 Columbia Court, Norwest Business Park, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153.

My Eyes are Hurting My Neck!

My Eyes are Hurting My Neck!

There are many reasons for neck pain as we get older. One little known cause is actually brought about by the aging of the eyes, a condition called presbyopia. This condition usually begins anywhere between the late thirties and the early fifties, depending on a person’s long distance sight, specific visual needs and the health of the eyes.

The natural lens inside the eye, which contributes about a quarter of the focusing power of the eye, is responsible for accommodation (viewing objects at different distances). In children and young adults, the crystalline lens is flexible so that vision is possible at close distances. However, as time goes on, the lens gradually hardens and this process causes the eyes to become less efficient in changing focus from long distance to achieve clear vision for near objects.

So, how can this process cause neck problems?

The reason is actually the way spectacles are used to correct the problem, in combination with the increased use of computer screens in our lives. Progressive spectacles, which help people over 40 to achieve clear vision at all distances, are one of the most wonderful advancements in visual technology when they are fitted and worn correctly. However, even the most perfectly-made progressives are not built for prolonged viewing of computer screens. Especially when we view screens that are relatively close to our faces and are positioned at or near the level of our eyes. Progressive spectacles are great for most of our life activities. However, they are not really appropriate for use in offices and work stations that are otherwise ergonomically correct for our posture!

For this reason, a pair of specific purpose “computer glasses” can help minimise this cause of occupational neck pain. When custom designed for a person’s optical needs to the exact visual requirements of their computer environment, these can be a great way to maintain an appropriate posture in the working environment.

As well as prescribing spectacles and checking on the health of the eyes, your optometrist should be aware of an individual person’s visual needs in the workplace. If neck pain is becoming an increasing issue in life, don’t forget that your eyes may be the source of the problem!

Lee Pepper is the principal optometrist and owner of Vision Excellence in the Hills District. He has a keen interest in maximising vision in the workplace for over-40s and providing strategies for older people to maintain excellence in sight and the health of the eyes (

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