Research Supports Extended Eye Patching for Childhood Amblyopia October 2013 — Increasing eye patching from two hours to six hours a day effectively treats persistent childhood amblyopia, according to a Pediatric Eye Disease Investigators Group (PEDIG) study published in the journalOphthalmology. Eye Patching is the standard treatment for amblyopia, according to the National Eye Institute,...Read More
WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP? The World Sight Day Challenge is run by global charity, Optometry Giving Sight, which began in Australia and the UK and has spread to include optometry practices around the world. Thanks to past donations, Optometry Giving Sight has been able to fund 67 projects in 38 countries. These include...Read More
At Vision Excellence, we care about protecting your vision. In addition to this, we are also care about the more than 600 million people around the world who lack access to quality vision care. Because of this, our practice participates in the World Sight Day Challenge every October. The World Sight Day Challenge is run...Read More
The Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) was a multi-center, randomized trial designed to assess the effects of oral supplementation of macular xanthophylls (lutein and zeaxanthin) and/or long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (docosahexaenoic acid) [DHA] and eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA] ) on the progression to advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD). An additional goal of the study was...Read More
Are your eyes over 40? Are you a woman? … then you’ve probably noticed things starting to change. Not least of which are your eyes. Most notably, presbyopia — the normal, age-related loss of near focusing ability — usually develops at this time. Women at this time are much more likely than men to develop dry eyes...Read More
Update on google glass, now worn by surgeons in the USA…. *source MiVision Australia and New Zealand August 2013 What was your experience? See the Google Glass Spectacles experience: With an official price tag of $1,500, ( this was the price set for competition winners who were able to get Google Glass early), there are hopes that ...Read More
Australians are not looking after their eyes; many adults never have eye tests. AUSTRLIANS have a surprisingly short-sighted approach to looking after their eyes despite survey results that show many fear blindness more than cancer. Despite 75 per cent of blindness being preventable, millions of people have their eyes tested only if they are having trouble...Read More
Take a few moments to complete the Eye-Q Test*. See how much you know about diabetic eye disease. Did you know that diabetic eye disease is a leading cause of blindness? If you have diabetes, do you know how to reduce your risk of visual loss? To determine how high your Eye-Q is, answer the...Read More